A vast catalog of whiskies, distilleries, and regions is only a tap away. Explore whiskies from distilleries around the world. Want to know how to pronounce Laphroaig? Malt Whisky can tell you—and can show you where it lies on the map. Curious about the history? Malt Whisky can tell you that, too. Novice or expert, there’s plenty here for you.
Searching is fast—really fast. Search through more than 2800 included malts as well as those you've added yourself—even those others have shared with you.

Track what you own in your Collection. Bottles in the collection are easy to add, and easy to update.
You can track future favorites in your Wish List, too.
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If your collection includes rare and obscure treasures that Malt Whisky does not, don’t worry—Malt Whisky lets you add your own bottles, including photos. You can add single malts or blends or other malts from any region or country.
You can also add your own notes and reviews.
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• Add your own review to any whisky